miércoles, 20 de abril de 2016

Welcome to the Smart world of Pablo

Hi, this week I tell about of my Smartwatch.

This Object is my most precious acquisition, because I worked much time for buy this. This watch is a similar a watch of spy, because take photo, have tv controls, sound record and also indicate the time.

In the Market exist many smartwatch, but I chose this Smartwatch because is a cellphone in my wrist, is light, take photos of high quality and when I practice sport it register my heart rate, my speed for lap and calories burned.

I always use my Smartwatch, but it have a problem, the battery discharge every three days and forgot change so that I can not use it.
The Smartwatch arrive for simplify my life, but I can live without it.

Thank for read me.

viernes, 15 de abril de 2016



Everybody knows that I study dentistry, but You don´t know that I studied Telecomunications in the High School, and for that I am Technical in telecomunications. The change is because I don´t like the work that does the technical, They are all day long in front of the laptops or untangle wire, but I learned a lot in telecomunications, now I repair my laptop or my conection to internet.

Dentistry comes into my life when I became an orthodontic treatment, and the dentist was irresponsible and he disappeared and didn´t finish my treatment. That day i decided, to be someday the best dentist and do not repeat the same mistake.

When I graduate, i want teach dentistry in a university or in an institute because the teaching is dynamic and the work hours is more flexible than in other profession.

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016

My Life

Hi! My name is Pablo Donoso and thanks for read my blog, now you will know more of my. I was born in santiago of Chile, specifically in Puente alto, study dentistry in the university of Chile and shortly I celebrate my 21 happy birthday in May.

I live with my parents, brother, who study in high school, and my puppy. I began study in 2015 and the first year was very, very difficult, but is get over, now think in the new challenge of this year.

The last year began practice running, because is a form of destress and I recommended because is effective and is important have a healthy life in the university.

Thanks for your time.
