viernes, 15 de abril de 2016



Everybody knows that I study dentistry, but You don´t know that I studied Telecomunications in the High School, and for that I am Technical in telecomunications. The change is because I don´t like the work that does the technical, They are all day long in front of the laptops or untangle wire, but I learned a lot in telecomunications, now I repair my laptop or my conection to internet.

Dentistry comes into my life when I became an orthodontic treatment, and the dentist was irresponsible and he disappeared and didn´t finish my treatment. That day i decided, to be someday the best dentist and do not repeat the same mistake.

When I graduate, i want teach dentistry in a university or in an institute because the teaching is dynamic and the work hours is more flexible than in other profession.

3 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. i cant believe that your dentist disappeared in the middle of the treatment DDDD:
    i think that you will be a great dentist :)

  3. I never went to the dentist before i start this career :(, but i think it could be a great way to decide about your vocation, like you did. ¿Don't you think?
