Hello world, this week`s assignment is to talk
about a skill that I admire, so I`m going to talk you about…… IMPROVISATION!!!!
I think that improvisation is a great skill,
because it is a great capacity of adaptation in front of unexpected situations
and reactions, besides a great capacity of reaction and flexibility is required
for this, so no one can easily do this.
Improvisation is very useful in the day by day,
because it allows us to get involve with different kind of people and environment
and can be used to get out of unexpected sceneries like a surprise
interrogation or a simple talk with another person. I`m not good at
improvisation, because it`s hard to me the connect ideas and generally the best
ideas come to me after the situations when I need them, I believe that is
because I can think things more clearly and not with the emotion of the moment.
As I was saying improvisation is very useful,
because it can be used in any situation, for example I use it when I’m in a
dissertation and someone ask me something that I`m not completely sure and with
concepts that I know I can improve an answer or when there are group activities
and we have to do dramatizations like role play.
If you liked this blog please left a comment
saying when you use the improvisation or another skill that you admire.
see you next week.
bye bye.
the same happens to me! I'm too bad to improvise hopefully we can get over it someday! jajaja